MediPriv Kiosk

medi-priv MediPriv Kiosk hotspot gateway image
The MediPriv Kiosk is a robust and secure touch screen kiosk for use with many types of healthcare applications, where patients can assume simple interactive tasks.
Patient self-check-in upon arrival for an appointment is a popular kiosk application.
A patient might also use the kiosk to schedule a follow-up appointment.

The kiosk can benefit all types of healthcare entities, from a sole practitioners office, to a large hospital.
The MediPriv Kiosk allows you to provide a secure kiosk for patients and visitor to access important information, and custom applications.

The MediPriv Kiosk is shipped with a 13in Android tablet. The kiosk can also be shipped with a 10in Android tablet or an Apple iPad for iOS applications. It also includes an optional Ticket Printer and Card Reader.

It can be monitored via the IA-series Internet Access gateway. The gateway will check for the kiosk going off-line and then send a warning message via email.
Kiosk Configuration The MP-K1 kiosk is robust and secure product that can be deployed for any type of healthcare application requiring an interactive interface for patients and visitors.

The optional card reader can be used by an application to read the patients drivers license as an alternative to requesting the patient type information at the appointment check-in.

The optional thermal printer can provide the patient with appointment information when using a scheduling application.

Applications can be developed for installation on the tablet, or on-line via a secure browser.

MediPriv Kiosk Technical Specifications

Supported tablets:

Optional Features:
Card reader

Ticket Printer
Print type:
High speed Thermal printer

Paper type:
58mm Thermal paper

Suggested Applications

    Patient check-in on arrival
    Hospital visitor check-in
    Schedule patient appointments
    Request prescription renewal
    Hospital location information
    Patient information requests

The MediPriv Kiosk works in conjunction with
